The year of 2016 began with our Lord gracing me with the opportunity to teach my workbook entitled, ‘Christcentered Evangelism’, to 100 pastors in the capital city of the state of Telangana, which is called Hyderabad, India. Telangana is one of the 29 states within the vast nation of India. These precious pastors travelled from as far as 300 kilometers, to give a week of their time to study the word of God, concerning this essential theme of biblical evangelism. This means that the workbook was translated into its 9th language for this conference! I was well aware that there are certain forces, within the government and religious circles of India, who could easily have attempted to disrupt this conference. As a matter of fact, there were multiple attacks of persecution against Christian pastors and churches, which were occurring simultaneously in other cities, even as I was teaching this group of spiritual leaders. For this reason, I did not want to give the specific logistics of the conference in advance.

The Spirit of God graced all of us with an awesome ‘touch of a reformation revival’, in these precious days! These pastors were so hungry, so teachable and so quick to repent. The Spirit of Truth revealed areas of their evangelism where their needed to be personal repentance and reformation in their methods and their message! You may be surprised to know that there are MANY unbiblical traditions, techniques and tactics that have infiltrated the evangelical churches in India, concerning both the methods and the message of biblical evangelism. The ‘Christ-centered Evangelism’ study continually calls these leaders to return fully to the instructional manual, for the purpose of “Doing God’s work; God’s way; for God’s glory”. It was astounding to hear that many of the pastors were staying up ALL NIGHT, (for the first couple of nights), as they wrestled with the realization that they had been using unbiblical, man-invented methods and even felt-need centered messages, to attempt to carry out God’s great mission. And yet, they were absolutely focused and attentive everyday from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m., as I taught these truths. I am so thankful to say that, ‘they searched the scriptures’, to discover if what they were hearing was biblical; then, having seen that it was biblical, they were publicly repenting of attempting to do God’s work in man-concocted schemes and strategies and felt-need centered messages!

I want to praise our awesome God for His mighty illuminating work in their hearts, their minds, their lives and their evangelism. It was absolutely glorious to teach these life-transforming truths and to personally witness the Holy Spirit’s powerful illumination and renovation in their lives. I am already hearing reports that there is “much fruit that remains”, as these pastors return to their various churches and multiply these truths in the lives of their church members. As always, God supplied the funds to feed these pastors 3 meals a day; pay for their workbooks; pay for their bus tickets; give them a place to stay; as well as cover all of the other possible expenses for this conference.

I want to praise our awesome God for His mighty illuminating work in their hearts, their minds, their lives and their evangelism. It was absolutely glorious to teach these life-transforming truths and to personally witness the Holy Spirit’s powerful illumination and renovation in their lives. I am already hearing reports that there is “much fruit that remains”, as these pastors return to their various churches and multiply these truths in the lives of their church members. As always, God supplied the funds to feed these pastors 3 meals a day; pay for their workbooks; pay for their bus tickets; give them a place to stay; as well as cover all of the other possible expenses for this conference.

However friends, God supplies these needs through brothers and sisters in Christ, who joyfully and sometimes sacrificially give for the purpose of supplying all of the various aspects for these international conferences. My passion has always been to pay for all of the possible expenses that a pastor may need to attend a conference like this. These international pastors and church planters live on very little income. In view of this, we only ask that the pastor give of his time to come under the truths of God’s Word! I truly believe that foreign missions is ‘far more than only sending people to other nations’. On the contrary, foreign missions should be focused on sending ‘TRUTH IGNITED BY THE SPIRIT, THROUGH DISCIPLES’, to other nations! Friends, I want to express my deep appreciation for all of you who prayed for this conference.