Our hearts are overwhelmed with gratefulness for the faithfulness of our Lord and His people toward this ministry. Thank you dear ones for standing with us in your prayers and financial support. So many of you have conscientiously interceded for Dianne and me through the dark valley of physical illness, in which I almost went home to be with the Lord. I want to testify that I could truthfully say, in those darkest moments in the valley of the shadow, “For me to live is Christ; and to die is gain”. And yet, our Lord has chosen for me to remain here in this mortal body for more service of Him, for now! He has told us in Ephesians 2:10 that “we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them”. As long as He has works for me to do, I want to be faithful to carry out that work, in His power, for His glory. I was made acutely aware of one such work upon my arrival in Kenya, for this latest conference. As I travelled from the airport to the Hotel, the cab driver and I began a conversation. During that interchange, the cab driver began pouring his troubled heart out to me. Our communication quickly turned to the reason for my travel. Upon learning why I was in Kenya, he said, “Then sir, you can answer this question for me. Can you tell me what I must do to be saved?” Of course, I shared the Good News with him. What a great start to this mission trip!

Oh friends, I am so very grateful to be serving my precious Lord and a Savior, both here in America and unto the uttermost parts of this globe. And we are so appreciative for all of the precious brothers and sisters who stand with us in intercessions and support, sending us out to all of these outreach opportunities. Please know that we love you in the Lord Jesus Christ. You are a treasure to our lives. May next year be filled with the glory of God in all of our lives, as we draw closer and closer to our Savior and Lord, walking in the works He has given us to do!

Your servants for Jesus sake

Ed and Dianne Lacy