The following are same encouraging words of testimony, from my dear brother and long-­‐time ministry friend, Dr. Allen Atkins. He is the Pastor of The Fellowship, a wonderful body of believers in Albertville, Al. This group of precious brothers and sisters exhibited an incredible “hunger and thirst” for the 12 sessions of teaching on the subject of prayer this past fall. This was my first time back preaching after my illness! Dr. Atkins shares, “A few months ago I was privileged to be called as the pastor of The Fellowship. I was convinced that the first priority that I needed to emphasize was to establish a true intercessory prayer ministry. Knowing that everything else in the church’s ministry must spring from intercessory prayer, we invited Ed Lacy to lead us in his teaching of, “The Biblical Path to an Effective Prayer Life.” Since I was very new as the pastor, I really had no idea how the church would respond to a 12-­‐ session conference on prayer! We are so very thankful that our Lord healed Bro. Ed from his extremely serious illness; and then, gave him the strength to be with us. I had also been praying for God to give Ed more anointing than he has ever had before. I know that God answered that prayer in a powerful way. It was quite amazing that, as the week went along, Ed actually grew in strength. Both his teaching and God’s anointing was fresh from the Throne of Heaven! As for the response of our church, it was absolutely tremendous! In every session, we experienced great attendance, not only from the adults, but also from our youth! I remember one particular night, when one of our young men attended in his warm-­‐up suit for basketball. He told me, “Bro. Allen, I just left basketball practice and came straight here. I don’t want to miss this”! My people were like ‘holy sponges’, soaking up all of the profound truths, which they were being taught about prayer. Our members are still talking about the conference. We are seeing God answer specific prayers in wonderful ways! I would encourage every church to develop a intercessory prayer ministry. But I would also encourage every church to consider holding this prayer conference with Bro. Ed teaching this powerful study!”