A Tribute to Ed Lacy

Written by Dr. George Wafula Director of Kenya Ministries Training Institute

In 2005, the Lord had my path cross with our late brother and friend Ed Lacy. My brother-in-law, Bishop (this is the title for their pastors) Fredrick Mulei, had invited me to attend a leadership conference in his church in Bungoma where Ed was speaking. It happened that they didn’t have anyone who understood American English to interpret for him. I was requested to do it for Ed for four days. During that time our hearts were joined together, and we hit it off so well and became close friends. Together with Bishop Frederick, they requested me to translate all his teaching workbooks from English to Swahili, which I did joyfully.

Brother Ed stated coming to Kenya every single year to do pastors’ conferences in different cities like Bungoma, Nakuru, Nairobi, and Kitale at the KMTI Campus. I served as his interpreter every single year he came. Ed joyfully paid for the travels, meals, workbooks, and other expenses for all the pastors who attended. These life-changing conferences were always packed with over 600 senior church leaders from different denominations. On many occasions we had a difficult time stopping some leaders from attending Ed’s meetings due to limited boarding spaces. We had people travel as far away as Uganda, Congo, and Tanzania to attend his meetings.

Ed was such a seasoned expositor and teacher of God’s Word. If you attended on of his meetings, you didn’t want to miss the next one.
Brother Ed left behind a permanent impact on this continent that will not be erased for a long time to come. Although he suffered from neuropathy and was always in constant pain in his hands and feet he never allowed that health situation to slow him down. During our first meetings in Bungoma, Ed stayed with my brother-in-law in his village house that had no electricity or running water. We used to walk with Ed for several miles on a dusty road from the house to the meeting place, and he would preach with such joy and never complained. Brother Ed Lacy served his Lord and Master with passion, and he inspired so many people who came to hear him.
Ed strongly believed in KMTI and what we do. He sponsored several students and me every single month. I remember in 2009, he helped me to buy my first car that became so resourceful to my ministry. What a soldier and what a friend he was. We thank God for his life, ministry, and friendship. May the name of the Lord be praised! - Dr. George Wafula