My home church has an ongoing ministry of the Word of God, every Wednesday evening, at the Mission Of Hope in West Mobile. This is a 3-­‐month Christian program, designed to minister the “life transforming truths of the Gospel” to men who are struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. Bro. Herb Fisher, who is the teacher of our men’s class, is in charge of those Wednesday opportunities. He graciously gives me any Wednesday that I am in town, to preach the Word of God to the approximately 60 men, who are continually going through this program. It really has been one of the great joys of my life, to preach the Word of God at the Mission. On those Wednesdays, that I am in Mobile, brothers Mike Shepherd and Richard Burton come along with me and witness to these needy men. We have seen a number of men testify of being “set free from the chains of addiction”, through the power of the Gospel. One of the men, who have been saved in the last 5 years, is now the Operations Manager for the Mission of Hope. His name is Michael Cooper. Here are a few words of testimony from Bro. Mike, that was so encouraging to me personally. Mike writes, “I have been involved with the Mission of Hope for almost 5 years. I have seen and heard many different preachers, through those years. Each one has their style of bringing the truth of the Word of God. But I feel that none of them compare to Bro. Ed Lacy. I well remember being in the program myself, (before I was converted and later became the Operations Manager). I remember listening to Bro. Ed on numerous occasions, in those days. He brought the Gospel to me and the other men, unlike any manner that I had heard before. There was a power unlike any other; and an anointing from God, for sure. There was no ‘sugar coating’ in his messages at all; but just the clear truths of the Gospel. I am so grateful for what Bro. Ed does for us here at the Mission”.