My supreme ambition, in all of the compilations of these workbook studies, is to see God’s truths multiplied into the lives of those ‘who will be able to teach others also’. Friends, this is what true discipleship is all about! This is why I am so excited to give you this report of this spiritual reality of multiplication, which recently occurred in Calcutta, India and in Kathmandu, Nepal. Last year, you may recall that I was privileged to be part of the Bible Institute in both southern and northern India, founded by Dr. Ron Herrod. God gave me the precious joy of teaching the “Christ-­‐centered Evangelism” workbook study, as a part of this wonderful and extensive training of pastors and church planters, from all over the nation of India; as well as the nation of Nepal, Myanmar (formerly Burma) and Bhutan. My interpreter for the first week in Goa was a younger brother named Raj Eleazar. He is a wonderful and passionate Indian evangelist, who has a heart to do God’s work, God’s way for God’s glory! I just received a powerful report of how this teaching on “biblical evangelism” has been multiplied, through Raj, in Calcutta, India and Kathmandu, Nepal. I give you a few words from Raj’s testimonies concerning both conferences, in which he taught the “Christ-­‐centered Evangelism” study to a new group of pastors and church planters in those 2 nations!

Raj writes, “The students at Carey College in Calcutta were thrilled with what the Word of God had to say to them, concerning “Christ-­‐centered Evangelism”. They were called to focus on the Word of God for their instruction manual, instead of the worldly methods of evangelism. The students had many questions regarding this teaching of “Christ-­‐centered Evangelism”. And God graced me to answer every question carefully from the Word of God. For some students, it was really hard at the beginning, as they were already using the ‘man-­‐invented contemporary ways of evangelism’. But as the teaching was built upon, session after session, the Spirit of God was mightily applying the Word of God, and their eyes were being opened. They were specially affected by the lesson which focuses on, ‘Three things that we cannot accomplish in the salvation of sinners’. First, we can't give spiritual sight to the blinded sinner. Secondly, we can't resurrect a spiritually dead sinner. And thirdly, we can't liberate the captive will of the sinner, who is bound under the tyranny of sin. At the conclusion of the entire study, many of them were determined to do God's Work, God's Way and for God's Glory. Because they were taught, through the Word of God that, ‘our evangelistic labor will not be evaluated on the basis of its quantity; but on the basis of its quantity. And also, they were very much encouraged and blessed by the precious truth that, ‘we are not called to be successful; but we are called to be faithful’.”

Raj continues, “Before I share about the teaching Christ-­‐centered Evangelism in Nepal, I want to share a few things about the circumstances in Nepal; as well as what the Nepali pastors and church planters endured, so that they could finish this course on evangelism. I was the last teacher for the Institute; and “Christ-­‐centered Evangelism” was the last subject that the attendees studied. As you well know, a powerful earthquake devastated Nepal and the place where this evangelism training was taking place! In fact, there were many days that these students suffered without proper shelter, food and water. But ultimately, I am so thankful to say, that they unanimously made the decision to finish the training; and not to leave the evangelism teaching incomplete. So we moved all of the pastors and church planters to a place called Damak, which is on the Indian border. For this area was not as affected by the earthquake. I reached Damak on Tuesday, May 12th. But as I taught ‘Christ-­‐centered Evangelism’, we were again hit with another big earthquake (7.4 magnitude). All of us were terrified by the situation; but the pastors still requested for me to carry on, with the teaching of Christ-­‐centered Evangelism. They learned many new and glorious truths that week. Many of them realized that the contemporary techniques and tactics of modern evangelism are quite the opposite of the Word of God’s instruction, concerning how we must carry out the Great Commission! They had many good questions. But as the Word began to unfold, the Holy Spirit gave them the grace to understand God’s ways of evangelism. Many of them concluded the week, with a personal determination to carry on ‘God's Work, God's Way and for God's Glory’!They were all really filled with gladness in their hearts, that they took the decision to finish the course; and hence, they had this opportunity to have such profound teaching from God's Word. Many acknowledged that they had been using men’s invented ways to attempt to do God's work. But God powerfully gave them the biblical illumination that, ‘Not only has Christ commanded us what to do; but our Lord has also clearly told us ‘how to do it and why to do it’! Again, I am grateful for the humbling privilege to teach this ‘Christ-­‐centered Evangelism’ study; because it has radically affected my life, my messages and also my ideas about biblical evangelism. My eyes have been opened! It is my desire that this teaching about evangelism will reach all of the parts of India. I am personally looking forward to teaching these essential truths in many more places. With love and regards. Raj Eleazar of the Potter’s Foundation.”