We are greatly encouraged to declare that the truths that Ed Lacy committed to us, are being passed on to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. The conference that he held at the KMTI Kitale Campus, Kenya from December 6-10, 2016, was indeed a great time. The theme of the conference that brought together more than 600 church leaders from Kenya and Uganda was ‘Redeemed to Worship’. From my personal interactions with the participants of the conference in the last two months, I deduce that the spiritual impartation that resulted from the conference cannot be overstated. It was evident that there was need for the church in Kenya to come to a clear understanding of what “Worship” truly means. The traditional perception was that “worship” simply meant singing a few songs that magnify and exalt God and eventually breaking into verbal expression of the goodness and majesty of God. Now we know that is just a small aspect of worship, but that true and acceptable worship is a desire and a determination to live the totality of our lives in a way that continually displays the glory of the Lord, by being preoccupied with the Lord God, regardless of outward circumstances and situations.

From CBLT-Kenya, I led a team of 120 pastors and church leaders to the conference. Some came from as far as Uganda. Over the last couple of weeks, I have traversed the countryside to interact with our trainees who attended the conference, in a bid to follow up on ministry mentorship program. This has given me the privilege to hear very encouraging responses concerning the conference. The faces of participants beam with joy and excitement as they bring to memory the practical issues in our daily lives, in which we have opportunities to display the glory of God. I realized that God was doing a new work through this conference, bringing us to realize that indeed every moment in our lives is a moment for us to worship, through our loving submission to God.

Bro. Ed, through your ministry, we are growing in sanctifying grace and intimate knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Each time you come, God seems to be giving you something timely that the church here requires. From your first conference at KMTI in 2011, the Word of God is bearing fruit that remains, in the lives of pastors and church leaders. The impact is growing, by the grace of God, to hundreds of thousands of church members!

During the December conference, I was surprised that a few pastors, after listening keenly to the session on the New Testament Consecration Sacrifice of Worship, confessed that, “they realized that they were in fact unconverted”. They started seeking the Lord that very evening, and by the end of the conference, they testified saying, “Now our eyes are opened and we know the Lord with certainty”!

For four consecutive Sundays, I have had the privilege to teach at our 300-member church some of the highlights of the conference. I see a big change and growth in the lives of the brothers and sisters. There has been so much renewal in the church and a fresh commitment among the people; not only to live the totality of their entire lives for God, but also to deliberately set aside daily time, personal time, priority time and quality time for worship, in their personal devotional lives.

 I do not have the contacts of all the participants of the conference. But if everyone that attended the conference goes to their ministry to practice and teach others the way we do at CBLT Kenya in tandem with the philosophy of 2 Timothy 2:2, then the impact of such great teachings over time would be mind boggling. We were exhorted, edified, informed, encouraged, renovated in our faith, corrected and shared in the joy of the fruit of the precious seed, the Word of God.

Bro. Ed, I want you to know that, “We at CBLT Kenya are deeply grateful for your love for the church in East Africa. For your voluntary sacrifice of both your time and your personal comfort, in the midst of health challenges, to make time to stay before the Lord in persistent prayer and intercession for us; in the studying and interpretation of the Word; and in research and preparation for ministry to us. I want to thank most sincerely the Ed Lacy ministry partners for their stewardship in making it possible for Ed to travel to Kenya annually; for publishing of more than 600 workbooks for the participants; to pay for travel expenses for all the conference participants; to pay for meals and accommodation for all of the attendants of the conference. We pray that Ed will continue to be a blessing to the church, beyond the borders of America.

For Him,

John Machuka