Dianne and I really cannot put into words, the overwhelming gratitude that floods our hearts, when God brings you to our remembrance. I am reminded of these following powerful words of truth from the Apostle John, “This is how we know that we have passed from spiritual death to spiritual life, because we love the brethren”. So many of you have been a living testimony of this passage to us through the years, (and especially in this past year and half, throughout my intense illness and recovery). God has provided for every single one of the needs that was presented to us. Also, He graciously provided in supplying the needs, enabling us to fulfill our commitments to give to all of the foreign missionaries, which we regularly support! We were able to be faithful with all of that foreign support, even though I faced 8 of the last 12 months in serious illness and recovery! However, God does not drop this amazing provision out of the clouds. He uses other born again brothers and sisters in Christ, who manifest the supernatural, sacrificial and sharing love of Christ to our lives and ministry! Dear brothers and sisters, many of you have been that channel of blessing to us personally; as well as, to the ministry that our Lord has called us to fulfill. The testimony of your love, prayers and giving to us continues to be used in countless ways, to encourage and spur not only us, but also the faith of others. We just want to express our love and thankfulness to you for coming alongside of us, and this ministry, in such a loving and gracious way. It is our prayer for you, in this new year of 2017, that you will be “filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.” We love you dear ones and continue to pray for you.