There are so many highlights of the manifold ministry opportunities (which the Lord has graced to me since our last newsletter) that I am running out of space! However, I am compelled to testify about the tremendous commitment of the people of Mills Springs Baptist Church to sacrifice their time and effort to attend the recent “Christ-centered evangelism Conference” in Jefferson City, Tennessee. I am estimating that over %60 of the Sunday morning attendance committed to attend all of the 12 sessions of the conference. It was so encouraging to witness their attendance, their attention and their teachability during these precious days of service. The following words are from the heart of my dear brother in Christ, Pastor Greg Lindsey, “How can I possibly thank you enough for traveling to Mill Springs to teach us Christ-Centered Evangelism? What a glorious time we shared together in the Word of God! To me and to many in the church, every session was a ‘finger-on-the-biblical-text’ tour de force! With every turn of the page in our workbooks came another rush of biblical truth, calling us to do ‘God's Work, God's Way, for God's Glory’! By the time you concluded, we knew that we had heard from the Scriptures, concerning the means by which our Lord wants us to be ‘fishers of men.’ Furthermore, we knew how we must now respond! Already, Brother Ed, prayers are going up that ‘the fragrance of of the life of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh, within the sphere of the influence of our lives.’ Already, we are sowing precious gospel seeds. Already, we are going on mission with Him, looking to Him for the salvation of souls. To God alone be the praise and glory! Please do pray for us in coming days. By the Lord's grace, we are resolved to act upon the truths that we have now received and understood. We realize that, ‘Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required.’(Luke 12:48). Ask the Lord to make us faithful witnesses in taking a ‘Christ-centered message’ to the thousands of lost souls around us. And know that we will be praying for you as you press on in the Gospel work to which our Lord and Savior has called you. With all love and gratitude in Christ Jesus.