In recent months, I have been interceding for further ‘open doors’ to serve our Lord in new avenues on the foreign mission field. A few months ago, I received a call from Don Currin, who is a dear brother in Christ and a powerful preacher of the Word. Don serves as the coordinator for the HeartCry Missionary Society in the area of Eastern Europe. His ministry with HeartCry includes organizing Bible conferences and corresponding with the HeartCry missionaries in that vast portion of Europe.

Bro. Don began the conversation by stating that he had just received a call from Paul Washer, the founder and director of HeartCry Missionary Society. As their conversation progressed, Paul asked Don this question, “Do you know Ed Lacy?” Don responded, “Yes. I have met Bro. Ed and I have been in attendance in a meeting in which he was preaching.” Paul responded by saying, “I believe that we need to contact Ed and ask if he would be willing to teach the pastors and church planters at this upcoming Eastern European conference. For every morning, as I am praying, his name is continually coming to my heart.” Now, a foolish person may imagine that this is some random coincidence of life. But I know that this was the providential activity of my ‘prayer-answering’ Lord and God! As an answer to those prayers, I was privileged to be the co-teacher alongside of Bro. Don at the most recent Eastern European HeartCry conference.

These brothers and many of their wives travelled from four different countries to attend the conference, (Romania, Moldova, The Ukraine and Serbia). I must testify that the Spirit of God providentially wedded the messages from Bro. Don and myself in a marvelous manner! I must also state that it was so personally encouraging to serve these dear saints of God, who are overflowing with both light, (the sound doctrine of the Word of God), and heat, (a passionate adoration for and allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ)! The following words are just a few of the many testimonies of the gracious working of the Spirit of God and the Word of God in the lives of these beloved missionaries.

 The first testimony comes from Nini Lazar, who is the director of Magna Gratia Ministries. This ministry is a missionary organization, which focuses its efforts on proclaiming the gospel to the former Communist countries of Eastern Europe and Russia. “Dear Bro. Ed, your powerful messages on the life and ministry of the Shepherd-Teacher and the messages concerning our mission of evangelism have been a great help to me. Your soul searching insights into biblical evangelism, as well as the themes on the supreme ambition and sanctified approach of a biblical evangelist, are truths that are often set aside when we closely examine the message, the methods and the motivations of true evangelism. I have often stated that, ‘a pastor who truly believes in salvation by grace alone, should be (by definition) a passionate evangelist; even as Christ is passionate for His glory in the salvation of many. Sadly, it is a rare occurrence to meet such people nowadays. But when I met a true one, my heart leaps inside. And that's what happened when I had the privilege of meeting and hearing you preach God’s Word. My dear brother, I will never forget this conference in Brasov. What a blessing!” Nini Lazar

In addition, one of the church planters from the nation of Moldova writes, “My name is Anatol Dunas, the pastor and missionary at Emmanuel Church in Cahul, Moldova. I planted this church back in the 2000. I am so thankful for the messages that you and Bro Don delivered in the HeartCry conference in Romania. Your messages were preached in a very powerful way. Your clear and concise expository preaching the very creative way in which you applied the truths; and your passionate expression of preaching were all a tremendous blessing to my life. Each message that you and Bro. Don preached were both very powerful and extremely practical, in increasing our biblical understanding and in leading our flocks as faithful ministries of the Gospel. Bro. Ed, when I returned home to my flock, your messages inspired me to preach on some of your topics to our congregation. We are presently preparing a gospel presentation event we name FRANC. The acrostic stands for ‘Friends, Relatives, Associates, Neighbors and Children’. We have been praying for them for a number of months. We will soon be visiting them in a number of small group settings, to proclaim the Gospel to them. I have already shared some of the basics ideas of your messages. The people came to me last Sunday and said that they were personally touched by my proclamation of your themes on the mission of evangelism. May God bless you Ed and keep you going till 100 years.”

Then, I was so personally encouraged with these precious words from Bro. Don Currin, “All of the pastors, church planters and evangelists were well pleased with your ministry among them. Your messages and life exuded grace to all. And our brothers and sisters were helped immensely. I just spoke to Paul Washer yesterday. During our conversation, I gave him the good report of both your life and preaching among us. He said that he would like to use you in HeartCry venues around the world. So if you are up to it, expect to receive invitations to speak for us periodically. Thank you for your love and fellowship pin the gospel. Grace, peace and much love.”