Once again our time at Winn Correctional Facility in Louisiana, was a great blessing. This was the 3rd annual opportunity to preach the liberating truths of the Gospel to many men who are incarcerated. It is an awesome opportunity to bring the truth of the only hope that can set the captives free! Immediately following the prison crusade, I had the privilege of preaching at Red River Baptist Church near Shreveport, Louisiana for a six day revival emphasis. Pastor Don Fletcher testified,  “We had a remnant of the church that had been praying for a great visitation of the Lord. It had been years since the church had set aside a season for revival services. We were in serious need of the renewal of the believers and regeneration of the lost. Each message from God’s Word was exactly what we needed! In every morning and evening message, God was building upon the previ-ous message. I praise God for the souls that were saved. I thank Him for moving in the hearts of the members and the visitors. Some-thing good has happened here, Bro. Ed, because of your ministry of the Word. I am convinced that what has begun here, is going to issue into even greater blessings from God! Brother Ed, I cannot say enough about this week. Thank you so much for your faithfulness to the Word. It was indeed understandable, not only by your presentation, but also by the Holy Spirit giving witness of the truth in our hearts.”

 Two weeks ago, I had the joy of preaching for the first time at First Baptist Kennet Square, which is a suburb of Philadelphia, PA. There were manifold evidences that the Holy Spirit was working mightily in the hearts of the men and women in attendance. We are continuing to re-ceive notes and e-mails from those who attended. Last week, I had the privilege to teach the “Christ-centered Evangelism” study to a full house at First Baptist Church of Roosevelt, Tx. God has brought many young couples into this body, who have a passion for the Lord and His great mission. Pastor Bobby Magee was sharing with me, even today by phone, about the many workings of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of the believers and some of the unconverted people who attended this meeting. Pastor Bobby writes, “Having Bro. Ed Lacy at our church has always been a blessing from God. This is the third time he has been with us at FBC Roosevelt. Each time God has used him to challenge us to be faithful to the Word and stay centered on Christ. The Lord used this teaching to grip hearts to be on mission with Him. We have been seeing this in our giving toward missions and evangelism; and in our evangelistic intercession for lost sinners; and our planning to shared the gospel with those lost sinners. Others have been convicted about their standing with the Lord and are seeking Him for the salvation of their souls. Public School teachers are burdened over students, that they interact with everyday. One of them testified, even today, about an opportunity to share the gospel with one of their students. To God be the glory! On a personal note, the time that we had to fellowship together was both rich and edifying for my walk with the Lord and my ministry as a shepherd.

Brothers and sisters, I am so very grateful to be a living witness of the work of the Holy Spirit, in so many, many hearts and lives!