Testifying of Conversion

This parable clearly tells us that the Lord Jesus celebrates with great joy, when one of His lost sheep repents and comes to Him in saving faith. But not only is there a celebration in Heaven, there should also be a celebration on earth! AMEN? Since our last newsletter, I have had the personal joy of seeing a number of adults testify that they have “come to themselves in genuine repentance; and turn to the Lord in saving faith”. Over the last few weeks, I have witnessed men, women and youth publicly declare that they have responded to the gospel call. They went to their homes agonizing over the lost condition of their soul. They sought the Lord for mercy and grace; they forsook their self-centered ways and trusted the Lord Jesus in saving faith.

I think of one young man named Aaron. After preaching a gospel message one evening, Aaron stayed behind desiring to speak with me. He shared that he had been raised in a Christian environment, by godly parents. This young man continued saying, “I have been the black sheep of my family. I have lived a life of wickedness and wastefulness. But Bro. Ed, by the grace of God, I am repenting of my rebellious ways and I am committing my life to the Lord Jesus. I want to be redeemed! I want to be saved! I want to follow Jesus as my Lord!” Since that night of this young man’s confession of faith, I have seen him on a number of occasions; and it appears that Aaron is indeed a new creation in Christ! 

Also, I recall a pregnant mom in Mississippi, who was just a few weeks away from giving birth. On Sunday morning and evening, she heard many truths concerning the reality and the evidences of what it means to “come to yourself and come to the Lord”. She went home on Sunday evening, realizing that she had never truly come to true repentance and saving faith. She sought the Lord throughout that Sunday and Monday. Then on Monday evening, she testified before the entire church that God had birthed her into His Kingdom. She declared that she had turned from her self-centered life and had turned to the Lord Jesus in saving faith! The believers in this local body were rejoicing over her testimony, as well as the others who also testified of the saving grace of God in their lives. 

In the most recent meeting in Georgia, I experienced one of the most unique evenings in many years. At the close of the Monday evening message, which actually focused on believers, a lady testified before the congregation that she had “come to herself” and “come to the Lord Jesus” in conversion. Upon the conclusion of that service, two men asked to speak with me privately. The congregation was dismissed and they left the auditorium. I began to converse with these two men, who had many questions concerning true conversion. As I began to deal with their questions from the Word of God, I noticed something quite amazing was occurring. Many of the congregation, whom we thought had left for the night, was actually filing back inside the auditorium. A large group of people had returned from the parking lot and sat down in the pews behind us. For the next hour and a half, they were listening to every question and seem to be hanging onto every answer. Friends, It was 10 p.m. when I finally dismissed them; and even then, no one wanted to leave! The Holy Spirit had visited us in mighty power. He was apparently doing some amazing “life-transforming” work in several lives. The pastor testified, “Our church will never be the same, because of the manifest presence of God this week. God has performed mighty works of grace in our church this week”! Folks, there is no doubt in my heart that we truly experienced “times of rejoicing” from the presence of the Lord being in our midst!