June 2011

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord Jesus,

If we had the privilege to study Acts 9 together, we would be reminded of Paul’s personal testimony of conversion from his perspective. But in Galatians 1:15-16a, the Holy Spirit gives a picture of Paul’s testimony of conversion from God’s eternal perspective! He declares, “But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb, and CALLED ME THROUGH HIS GRACE, to reveal His Son in me…” Paul tells us that it was a mighty “CALL OF GRACE” that had awakened his wicked heart; illuminated his blinded mind; and that revealed the Lord Jesus to him and in him! It was the awesome power of God’s “call of grace” that transformed this blaspheming persecutor into a powerful proclaimer of Jesus Christ; and caused him to be a compassionate and courageous missionary. It has well been said that “If a person rejects Jesus and is condemned, it is entirely their fault. But if a person embraces Jesus and is gloriously saved, it is ALL OF GRACE”!

Read more: June 2011