I have just received some wonderful news from Holguin, Cuba from one of the church planters, Rafiel Arcadis. He says, “Our pastor of evangelism for all of the 18 missions, (Miguel- who is also the pastor of upper room Baptist Mission) has just trained 150 of our young adults in the “Christ-centered Evangelism” study that you taught us. Over 100 of them went ‘door-to-door’ throughout the community, sharing the good news! We followed that outreach with an evangelistic service. We are now teaching the fundamentals of the faith to 46 adults, who were the fruit of those efforts. We are so very happy to have this work of teaching them and looking for ‘fruit that remains’ in their lives! We are going to hold an evangelistic summer camp for young adults, which begins on July 10. We are excited that 250 non-believers have committed to attend. Please pray for many true conversions for the glory of God!” Also, I have just completed a new study entitled, ‘Walking In Victory In The Reign Of Grace’. This study will be the focus for the Cuba ‘church-planters’ conference in November. Bro. Garry Morrison will now begin to translate it into Spanish.