The Holy Spirit graced me with 5 wonderful outreach meetings in 3 different states, since our last newsletter. There have been a number of men and women who have testified that the “Wind of God has blown upon their sin-deadened souls”; and as a result, they have entered through the nar- row gate that leads to life! The most recent outreach meeting was at Maranatha Baptist Church in Holguin on a Sunday evening, in the midst of the conference. The church brought many unconverted people under the sound of the Gospel. There were at least 25 adults, from young to very old, who came out of the counseling room, testifying that they have been born from above! Also, Dianne and I enjoyed a precious week of ministry at Crossroads Baptist Church in north Alabama, with our dear friends Pastor David Cofield and his wife, Roxanne. Di-anne taught at their ladies conference on Saturday morning from the book of Ruth, entitling the lesson “A Master-piece In The Making”. It was obvious that the Lord was present as the special music, the testimonies and the teach-ing came together, with the same message. Then I had the privilege of preaching a series of messages concerning the issues surrounding true conversion. Pastor David has shared with me that both youth and adults have testified that the ‘regenerating power’ of the Spirit of Truth has invaded their lives, during that precious week. I also had the wonderful joy of seeing a number of Catholic adults testify of the mighty regenerating work of the Holy Spirit in their lives, in 2 meetings in Mississippi! But friends, one of the most amazing testimonies of the awesome work of the Holy Spirit came at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church in Jonesville, LA. My dear brother in Christ, Pastor Craig James, invited me once again to serve the body there in Jonesville. During the week, a former Baptist pastor who had left the faith and spent the last 5 years in the bars of that parish was gloriously converted to the Lord Jesus. He had been a “lost pastor” for a number of years. When great tribulations and tests came to his life, he lost his pas-torate; then he lost his marriage; and ended up on a barstool for 5 years. Some godly men in that area had at-tempted to reach out to this man over the years, but with no positive response. But the significant “root issue” in his life, was that he had never come to King Jesus on His conditions. He had never been truly born of the Spirit. He only had a false religious experience without the miracle of the new birth! He had tried to live a life that he did not have. Oh but friends, during that week of meetings, He was drawn to the services at this church. As He sat under the Word of God, the Holy Spirit begin to send down the roots of conviction and contrition in his life. One week af-ter the meetings, this former Baptist preacher testified publicly before the congregation, who knew all about him, “ I have come to Jesus on His terms; I have truly been born again.

Oh precious friends, there are so many stories that I would love to share with you, about the mighty works of grace that I have seen the Holy Spirit perform in these last 2 months! But the brief pages of this letter hinder me from doing so. I conclude by sharing about a man named David, who was a cocaine addict; but is now giving all of the evidences of a man on whom the Breath of God has resurrected from spiritual death, darkness and bondage! David now has an insatiable appetite for the Word of God; a passionate heart to do the will of God; and an on-going delight to proclaim the Gospel of grace! Oh friend, we know we cannot see wind blowing; but we can see the obvious effects. We cannot control the Wind of God; but the effects of His mighty works will always be apparent!