We want to thank all of you who have been so faithful to stand with our ministry in intercessory prayer. Your love, concern, prayers and financial support, through this time, have been such an encouragement and help to us. Also, we want you to know that the Lord is using all of these outpouring of prayers and concern in many ways. These have been an incredible testimony to so many others, as they observe the love that has been exhibited to us, from the family of God. Furthermore, your faithfulness to bless our ministry with your financial support has helped to enable us to be a “channel of blessing” to the foreign missionaries, which we assist in an ongoing basis.

So in closing this letter, again I want to express our gratitude and love toward you. I am praying that this newsletter will be an encouragement to you, no matter if you are living on the mountaintop; or find yourself walking in the valley of adversity. Because friends, you and I can be so very grateful that we know the answer to that accusation hurled out by Satan against Job. Yes-dear friends, this godly man, did worship God for nothing! He worshiped the Lord, for Who the Lord is, in some of the greatest calamities that a saint could possibly experience. And as I am walking through this present health crisis, I want to testify that, “I too will WORSHIP GOD, no matter the crisis, the calamity or the catastrophe that comes my way. I will WORSHIP my LORD and my GOD, for WHO HE IS! For He, and He alone is absolutely worthy of worship!

Your Servant For Jesus Sake,

Ed Lacy