My precious friend and the pastor of Crossroads Baptist Church, David Cofield writes, concerning this Christ-centered evangelism conference in north Alabama, “Our Lord God honored his Word in a mighty wayrecently at our church, as Bro. Ed Lacy was with us, teaching ‘Christ-centered Evangelism’. When you get God’s people under 10 hours of ‘Holy Spirit’ anointed teaching of the Word of God, something good is going to happen, and it did! This was better than a revival meeting, because of the length of the teaching and the subject matter. Friends, I believe that the heart of our faith and the focus of our message is the Gospel; but it is the gospel as Jesus taught it and the early churchlived it!  I have never heard such a theological discourse on the lostness of men, within a local church, as was presented by Bro. Ed on Sunday evening, and our people were eating it up; as well as their pastor! All of my deacons and staff whole-
heartedly embraced all of the teachings. I had no one to contest it from within the church. Why? Because it is the Word of God! As a matter of fact, our church is renewed and revived, through God’s working in our lives during this week of ‘Christ-centered evangelism’. We also saw a precious lady in her 70’s gloriously converted during he week! It was an awesome display of God’s converting power! I have had over 300 requests for CD’s, all because of the testimonies that other people are hearing from those who were present for the conference.  We are
still living in the afterglow!  We are beginning to go through the material again, in many of our Bible Study classes. We give God all praise and glory, for His mighty working in our midst!”