It was a precious privilege to preach at the First Baptist Church of Bull Shoals, Arkansas, for the 3rd consecutive year. God is doing a good work among that local body of believers. The altars and front section of the church was filled with believers on their knees, on the concluding evening. All were seeking the Lord, asking Him to baptize them with a deeper burden and compassion for lost sinners. I can still hear in my heart, the precious brother that was kneeling next to me, as he wailed out for lost souls; as the Lord was answering this prayer for a renewed burden in his own life. l also had the blessing of preaching at First Baptist Cross City, Florida. One of the members of that church is Joe Anderson, the CEO for Anderson Columbia, which is one of the largest construction firms in the southeast. Joe is a man with a tremendous passion to see sinners come to the Lord Jesus Christ! During that week of ministry at First Baptist, I passed by a billboard on the highway, that urged people to “strive to enter the narrow gate”. One of his employees later shared with me, that Mr. Joe Anderson was the man who was responsible for putting up that billboard on the highway. But, he also reminded me that over 15 years ago, I had preached from the “narrow gate” passage at First Baptist Cross City. The Holy Spirit used that message to mightily impact Mr. Anderson’s life. He has a “life burden” to see many souls enter through the narrow gate, for the glory of God! I praise the Lord for these godly laymen that are “sold out” to King Jesus; and that have hearts that are immersed with the truth that “Jesus still receives sinners