Women's Conferences

Thank you for praying for the most recent conferences. We enjoyed sweet fellowship around the Word of God. I loved meeting and sharing with the precious ladies at both Friendship Baptist in Baton Rouge, LA and Olivet Baptist in Ocala, Fl. During our time together, I taught from the book of Ruth. The theme for the weekend was ‘The Lord of New Beginnings – from Brokenness to Blessing’.

Upon the conclusion of the conference in Baton Rouge, I was able to speak and counsel with several of the women, one on one. One of the ladies, who had come to the conference with a friend, shared with me about what was going on in her life. She said, “In the church which I regularly attend, some changes have been taking place. Even though these changes are unsettling to me, they have caused me to dig more into the Bible for myself. This weekend has been so good for me. As you were teaching, I begin to see wonderful truths. Thank you for teaching straight from the Word of God. I don’t know exactly what is taking place in me, but I feel like the Lord is really doing something new in me, from what I am seeing in His Word”.

Again at Olivet, the Lord was using His word to encourage, exhort and edify the women in the conference. It was a joy to be their guest speaker at their 1st endeavor in hosting a weekend Mother/Daughter conference. One of my dear friends writes, “I wanted to write and let you know that the retreat could not have come at a better time for me; since just losing my dad to cancer. Your teaching on “Ruth” was no coincidence. It was everything I needed to hear and be reminded of, concerning our loving heavenly Father. He knows just what we need to hear. He does care about every detail in our lives. He does have a plan and His plans always have a purpose. This study caused me to realize how blurry my spiritual vision had become, because I was setting my mind on my circumstances. I was reminded that good and bad are running on parallel tracks in our lives; and sometimes they arrive at our door at the same time. In those times, I cannot forget the good things I still possess! I am so thankful that our God is about new beginnings! I was also reminded to keep my eyes fixed on His field, and to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness. Also, I loved how you used the computer words to illustrate truth from each chapter. They were perfect to illustrate our lives and our need to go to the Living God daily. When we remember who our God is and what He does in us and for us, we will see our need to reset, or be restored back to our first love; to be refreshed and energized to do the works He has called us to; and then we will see Him replenishing our lives. Like a computer, my life was getting bogged down with viruses that needed to be deleted. I now have a clearer vision of the God who works in me. I pray that the Lord will use this study in other women’s lives so that they too will be refreshed and restored to Him.