November 2014 Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

“Go YOU, therefore, and teach all nations... .” Can you envision the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ, (standing there with His nail-pierced hands), as He gives this great commission to His original disciples? This must have been an astounding and awe-inspiring encounter with the living Lord! Well dear friends, His command should be just as powerful and penetrating to your soul, as it was almost 2,000 years ago. In addition, may I also say, that His command is just as binding on us, as it was on the original disciples. If you have come to Jesus as your Savior; then you have also come under Jesus, as your Lord; and you have also come after Jesus, as your Teacher. Our Master-Teacher gives each one of us this clear command - “As you are going, be making disciples. …”! This was the directive from Headquarters then; and these are our marching orders in November of 2014! We should pray that not a one of us, (who reads these words afresh and anew today), would be negligent concerning this mandate; or be disinterested in this great mission; nor be distracted by the lesser things of this passing world.

We must remember, there are lost sinners all around us, on whom the wrath of God is abiding at the very moment of this reading. The Word of God informs us that unrepentant and unbelieving sinners are living under a precarious condition of condemnation. Dear brothers and sisters, will we let them wander into hell, “un-prayed for and unwarned”? Shall we be distracted and detoured by the temporary foolishness of the passing world system, while sinners are perishing? Shall we have no “agony of heart”, as people all around us are in danger of “eternal hell-fire”? Dear brothers and sisters, these surely are perilous times in our nation and in this world! The 2nd coming of Jesus could truly be imminent! Shall we be found enthralled with politics, possessions and the passing pleasures of this fallen world? Or shall we forsake these wicked diversions and “gird up the loins of our minds”? Each one of us must get off the sidelines; and get on the playing field; by becoming intimately and actively involved in the evangelism of the lost and the discipleship of those who are gloriously converted, through our outreach?

The Lord Jesus Christ tells us, “All authority has been given unto Him”! Our victorious commander possesses universal and absolute authority. This means that the Lord not only has ‘the right to command you’; but He also possesses ‘the power to enable you’ to carry out His great mission! Our reigning King of kings has “unlimited power” to send us forth into the world, with hearts and tongues of fire! And yes, it is true that Satan will oppose your seed-sowing. He uses many wicked schemes and strategies to oppose this “great mission”. The enemy will seek to steal the seed from the hearts of sinners. The “god of this age” blinds the minds of those who have not believed. He seeks to corrupt and contaminate the truths of the Gospel. He will use false teachers, who disguise themselves as teachers of truth. But brothers and sisters, it is also true that, ‘all of the opposition of the powers of darkness against the disciples of Jesus, will ultimately be used by our Sovereign Lord, to further His plan and to accomplish His great mission’! Our Lord has sent me to the nations over 140 times, over these last 30 years! I have seen His authority mightily displayed, in over 20 different nations and various cultures. I have witnessed His power at work, in the conversion of sinners; in the training of pastors and church planters; and in the discipleship of numerous followers of Jesus, both in my living room and the uttermost parts of the globe! Every genuine “disciple maker” can cling to His glorious promise that proclaims, “I will build My church, and the gates of hades will not prevail against it”.

Brothers and sisters, no power on earth and no obstacle from hell can ultimately frustrate the Lord’s mission! Even today, would you not, (afresh and anew), commit your life to be involved in a passionate and persistent fulfillment of God’s great mission, within the sphere of the influence of your life? Would you not say to our Risen Lord, “Anywhere; anytime; to anyone; at any cost! Here am I Lord, send me!”


As I quickly approach my last “major conference” effort for this year, in the Kenya Pastors’ Conference, I can truly testify that our God has crowned this year with His goodness and His abundant grace. God has used your prayers and support, to make His grace abound towards this ministry! Our Lord has truly been faithful to provide sufficiently in all things. He has supplied for every good work: in Cuba for 2 conferences and evangelistic outreaches; 2 conferences in India; the huge conference that is just ahead in Kenya; numerous gospel outreaches to drug and alcohol rehabs, church outreach meetings and many more opportunities. Our Lord’s paths have been literally saturated with His glorious power and provision for every task! I could easily write a book filled with testimonies, concerning the souls that have been saved; the leaders who have been equipped; the church planters and ministries who have been supported, and of how God has gloriously provided for our needs! Brothers and sisters, YOU are an integral part of every “eternal work” which has been accomplished! We are so very thankful that our Lord and Savior made our paths to cross, as we have followed Jesus on the narrow road. As we celebrate this Thanksgiving Season, be assured we are giving thanks to our God for so many things. But, dear friend, you are among those bountiful blessings, which fill our grateful hearts!

Thank you!

Ed & Dianne Lacy