January 2015 Update

January 16, 2015

 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them”. – Ezekiel 36:26-27 It is that time, once again, when many people make their New Year’s resolutions. Everywhere that you turn, you hear the typical intentions of people to either lose weight; quit a particular bad habit; get out of debt....ad infinitum! True Christian character and conduct is not formed by dramatic resolutions; rather, it is by living a life that is being continually carried along by the Wind of God; the Word of God; and the Will of God. However, if we are going to make resolutions, (as followers of Jesus), may each one of us ‘resolve to rejoice’ that we are “NEW Creations” in union with Christ! It was 34 years ago, that God poured out His saving mercies on this former, arrogant, agnostic musician. He caused me to partake of His NEW Covenant promise. God worked a miracle in my ‘sin-blinded heart’ and gave me a NEW heart, which graced me with ‘the eyes of faith’; so that I saw Jesus was baring ‘my sins’ in His body on the tree. The Holy Spirit graciously sent down the roots of conviction and contrition in my heart, so that my ‘new eyes of faith in Jesus’ wept tears of repentance that Jesus was wounded for my transgressions and He was crushed for my iniquities. The very moment that God gave me this spiritual heart transplant, I was given the gift of repentance and saving faith in the Lord Jesus. And when I repented and believed the Gospel, it was the beginning of a NEW and wonderful life - Eternal Life! Friends, now this is something to ‘resolve to rejoice’ about!

We can also ‘resolve to rejoice’, because we have been given a ‘NEW and exceedingly higher’ motive for living! II Corinthians 5:15 proclaims, “Those who live, (who are new creations in Christ), should no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again”. Every born again child of God can now say, “For me to live is Christ!” Jesus is now our pearl of great price! He has captured our hearts and lives. May each one of us ‘resolve to rejoice’ in the glorious truth that, “our new hearts beat for the Lord Jesus Christ and for His glory, alone”!

But, we can also ‘resolve to rejoice’, because we have been given a NEW perspective about this world system. For over 29 years of my life, I walked according to the course of this world. I once sought to listen to the wisdom of this world. But now, I see that the wisdom of this world is absolute foolishness. I can now glory in the truth that, “the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world”. Moreover, we can also ‘resolve to rejoice’, because we have been endowed with a brand NEW mindset, concerning this mortal flesh. I formerly conducted my life in the lusts of the flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind. Yet now, there is deep passion and purpose within my new heart, to put to death the deeds of the flesh, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Oh, but in addition dear friends, we can ‘resolve to rejoice’ in the truth that, “we have been graced with a NEW source of satisfaction, significance and security! For the first half of my life, I was seeking satisfaction, significance and security in the fleeting accolades of the music business. I journeyed down every avenue that I mistakenly thought would bring achievement and enjoyment; but they were all dead-end streets. But then, I heard the glorious truth that “Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life!”

Then, by the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Spirit, I was saved from the wrath of God; I was adopted into the family of God; and I was accepted in the Beloved One! I now find my significance, my satisfaction and my security in the Lord Jesus Christ! It is absolutely true that we can ‘resolve to rejoice’ that all things have become NEW! Alleluia to the Lamb of God!

Until we leave this planet and meet our precious Lord and Lamb face to face, may each one of us make a “NEW RESOLVE” to be faithful ambassadors for our King. Brother and sisters, may each one of us resolve to ask the Holy Spirit to give us a NEW fervency and urgency to pray for those around us, who are in desperate need of a new birth! There are loved ones, friends, co-workers, neighbors and friends surrounding us, who are in a perilous condition of condemnation! Everyday in which they live and breathe on this earth, they are storing up more wrath towards the Great White Throne judgment. Their hearts are all “deceitful above all things and hopelessly wicked”. Their unconverted heart hates the light of a “Jesus-centered, Jesus - directed and Jesus-pleasing life”; and their heart is madly in love with their “self-centered, self-directed and self-pleasing life”! And if they are left to themselves, without a spiritual heart transplant, they will NEVER leave the darkness that they cherish; to come to the light that they reject or neglect!

May each one of us “resolve” to renew ourselves to be actively on mission with our Lord and God, to reach those “sin-deadened” hearts within our sphere of influence! May we seek and ask our Savior to ignite us with a higher flame for evangelistic intercessory prayer. May we cry out to the Holy Spirit, to literally intoxicate us with a far deeper passion for souls! May we immerse our minds and hearts with a ‘Jesus-focused gospel message’; so that we will be ready to give an answer for the hope that is in us! May we seek to take opportunities and make opportunities to herald the “bad news” and the “good news” to the people that God sovereignly brings within our lives. May all of us, who name the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, be raised from spiritual lethargy, apathy, laziness and despondency; to a NEW LEVEL of desire, devotion, determination and delight! Our Lord Jesus Christ has the power to make you “strong in Him and in the power of His might”, so that you would fulfill every one of these resolves. You may be thinking, “But Ed, you do not understand the blanket of complacency and lethargy that is smothering my surroundings?” Oh, dear friends, yes I do! Because I am facing it on every hand! But my Lord is well able to infuse us with new power; a new passion; and a new purpose, in the midst of the deadness! So together let us make a “New Year’s Resolution” to be actively, earnestly and intensely on mission with our Lord, for the glory of His name!


can say, (as Paul once did), “To me, who am lest than the least of all the saints, this grace was given to me, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ”! After 34 years of following my Lord and Savior, I am still overwhelmed by His “amazing grace that would save a wretch like me”! Oftentimes when I am preaching at the Mission of Hope, which is a drug and alcohol rehab ministry, I tell the men that I know that Jesus can save the worst of sinners; because He has already save the chief of sinners, when He saved me! And if that wasn’t enough, He later called me to proclaim the boundless treasures of the Gospel unto the ends of the earth! But friends, along with that statement, I want to say to you, “He has saved me, He has called me if that wasn’t enough, He has placed precious co-laborers like you, in our lives! Your love, your prayers and your support are a MAJOR PART of these awesome opportunities of “fruit-bearing” that lie ahead. I want to say to you again that, “foreign missions does not only entail ‘sending people’ to other nations and people groups; but foreign missions involves ‘SENDING TRUTH ON FIRE’ to other nations and people groups. We give glory to our God and we give our overwhelming gratitude to you, for standing with us in this great mission! UPCOMING