I received an e-­‐mail from Pastor Johnny Touchet, the senior pastor of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church in Easley, SC. I had the privilege of teaching ‘Christ-­‐centered Evangelism’ to their congregation, 4 weeks ago. I taught 8 of the 12 sessions, before we were interrupted by a winter storm. Our final 2 evenings had to be cancelled due to the weather. However, the congregation has been watching the remaining 4 sessions on DVD! Pastor Johnny reported, “Even though we had to watch the last 4 sessions on DVD, those who were in attendance have been tremendously impacted by the study of Christ-­‐centered Evangelism. We have one more session this Wednesday. One of our counselors has been sharing Christ with a dear lady in the area. After planting the bad news and the good news into the heart of this lady, she verbally testified that she wanted to be saved. The unconverted lady, (because of her past traditions and experiences), then expected our counselor to coerce her to repeat a prayer. But instead, our counselor (having learned well from the teachings) gave her more scriptures concerning conversion; gave her your gospel tract; and urged her to seek the Lord! Bro. Ed, this dear lady now testifies that she has entered through the narrow gate! I am so thankful that God has brought our congregation these glorious truths, once again!”

This precious Christian counselor had grasped the reality, that we must do all that the Lord commands us to do in evangelism; (we must pray; we must proclaim; and we must plead). But then, we must not step across the line and into God’s territory; with our humanly invented techniques and tactics, which cannot be found in the scriptures. We must prayerfully wait for God to accomplish what only He can, in His timing! 

Just a few weeks ago, I sat across a table from a middle-­‐aged man, with tears flowing down his face. I had just concluded preaching on the subject of ‘Being Christianized But Not Converted’! After proclaiming the truths of conversion, I pleaded with sinners to come to King Jesus on His conditions. And then, we prayerfully waited on the Holy Spirit to perform His miraculous birthing work, in His perfect timing! This middle-­‐aged man was one of a few men who testified, “Bro. Ed, I see it! For the first time in my life, I can see the truth”!

There was another middle-­‐aged man, who is a building contractor, named Steven. He also asked me to speak with him about the need of his soul. He said these powerful words to me, “I have heard other preachers say that salvation is simple and easy! But this conversion, which you are describing, sounds impossible!” I responded to Steven by saying, “The Lord Jesus tells us that true conversion is impossible with men. But not with God, for with God all things are possible.” Two weeks later, I had the joy of giving Steven a new study Bible. He said to me, with a smile from ear to ear, “I am going to my room and begin to devour it, right now!”