Also, over the past couple of months, we have been blessed to see the Lord working in the midst of the outreaches at the drug and rehab facilities - The Mission of Hope and the Home of Grace. At the Mission of Hope, we have especially been blessed to see the Lord use His Word to declare Truth of Who He; why He came; and what He does in and through a life that is truly born-again. I am thinking of young man in his 30’s, named Jonathan. He attended every meeting of our 5-day evangelistic outreach. Over those 5 days, God gave me a number of opportunities to counsel with this young man, concerning the gospel and the terms of conversion. I began interceding for Jonathan’s soul. As the services progressed, it appeared as if Jonathan was wrestling with the Lord, concerning his lost soul; and he seemed to be fervently and urgently seeking the Lord, as he was striving to enter through the narrow gate. That was several weeks ago! I saw Jonathan again last Wednesday evening. He testified to me, with tears flowing from his eyes, “Bro. Ed, I KNOW HIM! I have such a supernatural appetite for God’s Word. I have a desire to tell everyone about the Lord Jesus!” All I can say is, Glory to our Lord and Savior, Who is mighty to save! God still answers prayer, according to His perfect will and in His perfect timing!