Even though there remains a ban on International travel, the glorious Gospel is still bringing forth fruit in the harvest field of this fallen world! Only yesterday, I received a Facebook message from a Cuban pastor, who reminded me of this precious reality. When I initially met Nelson, (nicknamed Andy), he was a 17 year-old gang member in the streets of Santiago de Cuba. He was invited by a friend to attend El Caney Baptist Church on a Sunday morning, where I was the visiting preacher on that particular day. I preached the truths concerning ‘the bad news of the sinner’s terrible problem before the Holy Lord God’. Of course, I followed that bad news with ‘the Good News of the Person and the Work of our Lord Jesus Christ’; as well as, the Gospel commands of repentance toward God and saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. This young man was pierced to the heart with Holy Spirit conviction and contrition. I witnessed to him for quite a while after that morning service, and upon the conclusion of our conversation, I sent him home, urging him to seek the Lord!

He returned for the evening service, still under the powerful ‘prosecuting work of the Spirit of God’. Later he would testify, that on that Sunday evening, in his bedroom, he was graced with the assurance from God that he had been born from above! Immediately, he began to witness to his family and his friends. Shortly afterwards, he was called to be a preacher of the Word. He attended the Eastern Baptist Seminary in Santiago de Cuba. A number of years later, I had the joy of teaching him the Word of God in a church-planter’s conference in Santiago de Cuba. You may remember the story of this young man from past newsletters. Pastor Andy, as he is called, had planted a church near the city of Baracoa with only 4 believers. But he had seen a number of adults converted to Christ. The church was growing and they were meeting outdoors on a concrete slab. They were in desperate of a church building. Friends, the Lord God used your gifts to this ministry to supply their needs, as you will see in his message below. Look at it now! - On-going fruit is being produced from your work.

53159E2A C693 4DC5 9F2C 17DB2077CB27 4 5005 cHello brother Ed. This is Pastor Andy from Cuba. I came to know the Lord in Ed Caney, Cuba in one of your evangelist campaigns. I hope you remember me. The Lord called me to be a church planting missionary a few years later. We met again in one of your ‘church planters conferences’, 14 years later! The Lord led you to give the funds to construct the church building for our church plant. This is a recent photo of the assembled church in the church building that your offering built. God bless you very much. To God be the glory! I hope you write us a few words. Please continue to pray for Cuba and for our Church”.


God is continuing to open incredible global doors to proclaim his Word and to train pastors and church-planters within the nation of India. My dear brother Raj Eleazar, who has been my interpreter for many ‘Christ-centered Evangelism’ conferences in India, has just completed 29-sessions of teaching the ‘Christ-centered Evangelism’ workbook to hundreds of pastors in the Hindi language. After each major section of the study, I would have a ‘Q and A’ session, which would last about 2-hours with the pastors and church planters via ZOOM meetings. There were pastors and church-planters from every state in the nation of India, as well as leaders from the United Arab Emirates. Already we have had as many as 500 to 700 to join in on these ‘Q and A’ sessions. They are being posted on Facebook and youtube for others to be able to study. I have now begun teaching my workbook ‘Redeemed to Worship’ in a ZOOM meeting with many of these same leaders, as well as, laymen and university students. Additionally, I will also be privileged to teach ‘The Life That Glorifies God’ workbook, (which is an exposition of John 15:1-10), the last week of September and the early days of October via ZOOM in India. The Lord has also opened the door to teach ‘The Armor of God’ workbook for a number of weeks in November, to an ever-enlarging group of pastors and church-planters in that nation. Furthermore, even at this moment, a group of pastors in South Africa, who are associated with Heart Cry Missionary Society, have requested that I teach the ‘Christ-centered Evangelism study on Facebook Live. Presently, we are seeking to arrange it in my schedule. Moreover, another precious brother and interpreter in the Telugu language in India, has invited me to teach “Christ-centered Evangelism” with a group of pastors. I am thoroughly amazed at these new ‘open doors of ministry’, which our Lord has presented, even in the midst of these months of pandemic. Please pray for these.