I am absolutely thrilled to be an integral part of the systematic ‘evangelistic and discipleship’ instruction that occurs weekly at the Mission of Hope, which is located here in the Mobile area. On average, there are approximately 60 men, who are continually involved in the various levels of this program. I am continually overjoyed to watch the Spirit of God mightily apply the Word of God to break the chains of years of addiction in the lives of men. Even in the last few months, I have seen the Lord transform a solid core of men of all ages, for the glory of the Lamb. Brother and sisters, the Gospel is still the power of God unto salvation, redemption, and deliverance from the mastery of sin!

 Even this coming Easter Sunday, Dianne and I will witness the baptism of one of these men, (in our home church) who has been giving ongoing evidence that he has been gloriously liberated from the tyrannical chains of sin; to become a devoted disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. While we know, wherever the gospel is proclaimed, there will always be some professions of faith that will only be a shallow, superficial and artificial experience, which is not true saving faith. Oh, but then, there are those who are genuinely birthed from above and their lives changed, which powerfully displays that they have been graced with biblical repentance and saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.