Recently, I concluded a 4-day prayer conference with my dear brother in Christ, Dr. Greg Lindsey, at Mill Springs Baptist Church in Jefferson City, Tn. This was my 2nd opportunity to serve this precious flock. I was overwhelmed with their wonderful attendance and hunger for these truths concerning prayer. The five areas which I taught upon included: Confidence in Prayer; Persevering in Prayer; Evangelistic Intercessory Prayer; Personal Petitions of Prayer; and finally, Prayer and Your Personal Devotional Life in the Word! Pastor Greg shared the following words of testimony concerning this blessed time of teaching. “I am so thankful for the Prayer Conference we had with Bro. Ed and for the way God moved in the hearts of those who attended. As a pastor, I’ve already seen first-hand evidence of the Lord’s work in my own life and in the lives of our people, founded upon the truth that we heard proclaimed. The teaching was precisely what we needed! First and foremost, it was biblically faithful. It was also straightforward, earnest, and practical. As one man described, “It was down to earth, yet drenched with heaven! And, while deeply convicting, it was at the same time hugely encouraging. As one man described the sessions of instruction: ‘It was down to earth, yet drenched with heaven’! I eagerly anticipate what God may be pleased to do among us at Mill Springs in the months ahead, as a result of this wonderful, scriptural teaching on prayer, as it is put into believing practice. May the name of our Lord Jesus Christ be praised and glorified in what happens!