Dear Friends in Christ,
As I write this newsletter, I cannot help but think of so many who are being affected one way or another by the devastating results of the latest storms covering so many states. These disasters are presenting opportunities for the true church of the Living Lord to shine with the love and care of Christ. As we pray, provide much-needed supplies, and participate in sending teams to help, we must also proclaim the good news of the Gospel as we go. Often, in such dire times of great need and helplessness, the Lord opens hearts to the greatest need of their souls.
Over the past few weeks, the disasters we have encountered have placed those affected on equal ground. No matter if they were rich or poor, educated or uneducated, in large houses or small domiciles, the storms of life are no respecter of persons; they reach all eventually. When nothing is available to purchase, or there is no way of escape, what good is money, position, or power? Likewise, at the cross, the ground is level, for all did to be rescued from their soul’s desperately needy condition
People need the Lord. When a child of the living God helps with the needs of others, our motive should always include the needs of the souls. It is the love of Christ that compels believers to love other Christians and a passionate compassion for the souls of men. So, as believers, we give to help others, whether by donating money and supplies or physically being boots on the ground. But we must go with the Gospel for the glory of His name.
Our home church has opened its doors to be a ‘Donation Center’ where others can drop off supplies for these disaster areas. Once the supplies are given, they are separated, packed, and ready to be loaded. Willing volunteers then drive to the designated locations where the supplies are needed, working with Baptist organizations on the ground. Along with many others, it has been my privilege, along with many others, to help receive, separate, and box the supplies. One of our pastors suggested that each item be tagged with a Bible verse or note reminding the storm victims that we are praying for them.
Along with the necessary supplies, Ed Lacy Ministries donated 100’s of gospel tracts to be given away. Pray that the truths of God’s word, being placed in their hands, will bear fruit. The Lord has promised that the word of God does not return void. May many come to saving faith through the power of the Gospel! Thank you for helping make this possible.
Recently, while reading the Bible during my time of devotion, I was in the book of Philemon. I became overwhelmed with gratitude for you and the opportunities the Lord continues to give. Paul writes:
“I thank my God, making mention of you always in my prayers, hearing of your love and faith which you have toward the Lord Jesus and toward all the saints, that the sharing of your faith may become effective by the acknowledgment of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus. For we have great joy and consolation in your love, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed by you.”
Knowing of their living obedience in Christlikeness refreshed Paul’s heart. Upon reading those words, I testify of being humbly filled with thankfulness for you and your heart for the Lord and for continuing to stand with this ministry. It truly refreshes my soul. The Lord uses your faithfulness in your support and encouragement in prayer as a powerful force that keeps us moving forward. In precious newsletters, I have shared with you that the pastors and ministries we are privileged to work with stand in awe of your support and care for their families and ministry work. Because the Lord is using you, they are also encouraged and refreshed as they move forward sharing God’s work.
I hope that most of you realize we continue to post Ed’s teaching as devotions Monday – Friday every week. These devotions are posted on three platforms: the ministry website,, our personal Facebook page, and some request to receive them by e-mail. We invite all of you to join us in reading these devotions. However, another way that the devotions reach many people is by having several individuals copy the post and then send it to their Facebook friends. I asked one of these men, who lives in North Carolina, to
share about this additional outreach.
He writes, “At this time, I send these devotions to 53 other individuals in 28 different churches. I have saved each devotion that I have sent out over this time. There have been instances when, at times, I find someone going through a particular struggle or need for spiritual growth in a particular area of their life. I will send them a devotion from one of the series pertaining to that need one day at a time. I am always looking for new folks in my sphere of influence to who I can send the devotionals. I really do believe many in the group are lost and need to hear the Gospel. The Lord used Ed’s boldness in his teachings of God’s word to help me to understand that my 20-year-old profession of faith was false and that I had not met the terms of Jesus for salvation. This happened in my life while I was facilitating the teachings found in Christ Centered Evangelism. May all the praise and honor go to the Father!” Friends, the Lord continues to work in many lives in differing ways. Because of your love, support, and prayers, you are a part of this work, enabling us to press forward.
As I have communicated before in correspondence, this ministry only supports and works with individuals we (the Board of Directors) know personally. For this reason, we can be confident that they are carrying out God’s Work, God’s Way for God’s glory. Rejoicing, I can report that the pastors we work with tirelessly and persistently carry out faithful work where the Lord has placed them. Just this past week, the Lord graciously reminded us of His Sovereign hand in control of every minute detail. It is a blessing when He pulls back the curtain and allows us to see the undeniable finger of God at work. We received a text from a pastor, Greg Worley, from Georgia a couple of weeks ago. Greg was asking us to pray for him as he traveled to India to train pastors. While sitting under Ed’s preaching, Greg was converted to Christ many years ago and later sat under the teaching of Christ-centered Evangelism.
Also, Greg was texting to encourage us by informing us that Ed’s teaching had not been forgotten, for he would be using Christ-Centered Evangelism to train those pastors. (Just as a side-note, God gifted Ed by calling him to salvation and then calling him to be an evangelist. So, in sharing these details, I am not elevating my beloved husband but lifting high our divine Savior and Lord by sharing these testimonies).
Now, I can’t begin to express what that text message meant to me. That text arrived at just the right time. As I am sure most of you can understand, sometimes you need a boost of encouragement. The Lord often does that through notes, phone calls, and through knowing people are praying for me. But the story doesn’t end there.
Through Greg’s time of training these pastors, he shared the importance of teaching God’s word and investing truth into others so they would pass it on by discipling others. As he illustrated this by using his own testimony of salvation and coming to the truths of biblical evangelism, he testified that someone had invested truth in his life, and he mentioned the name, ‘Ed Lacy’. Now, please understand that India is a massive nation with millions of people. Christianity is a minuscule section of the population making pastors even a smaller faction among the vastness of this culture.
However, when Bro. Greg mentioned the name, Ed Lacy, he recognized two of the pastors lit up like a Christmas tree. Texting and sending pics later, he conveyed that both of these pastors came to him excitedly, expressing that Ed’s ministry changed their lives and their ministries. One of the pastors was Raj Eleazar. You have been introduced to him before in a newsletter. He is one of the pastors supported through this ministry. He was always Ed’s translator and translated Ed’s material into several different languages within India. Later that day, Raj sent a text telling this story and told me how he was elated to meet Pastor Greg and excited that he had
known Ed. Raj also conveyed, “I am heading to Nepal to teach this same evangelistic study in two weeks!”
Friends, our God is in control. There is none like our God. He cares for His children. Our Lord God did not have to let me in on this meeting, but out of His love and compassionate heart, He did. But I hope you recognize that He did it for you, too. Because you willingly stand with us, we can participate in these glorious opportunities of teaching and outreaches.
Although today, I received an additional e-mail from Raj. Please pray for him. He informed me that two days ago, he and a couple of others were teaching evangelism in one area in Siliguri, and persecution began. A mob gathered and two of them received bad thrashings because they were teaching about Jesus. Police finally arrived and helped them or it could have ended differently. But how did they respond to this persecution? They went to another location and taught evangelism that same evening. This is the type of pastors and believers we are to be. May our faith and love for the Lord be as strong and courageous as these. Thank you for being so willing to be a part of the extension of the Gospel to help support mighty men of God like Raj.
Women’s Ministry
As for me, the Lord keeps me busy maintaining the ministry work and opening doors of opportunity with women’s ministry. It is always a blessing to share the glorious word of God with other women. We have just concluded a women’s event at my home church that kicked off our ministry fair. The focus of the event was on Ephesians 2:10, which reveals that all believers are given God’s assignments to live out. We highlighted many opportunities for serving the Lord. Our emphasis was on not just doing more busy work, but carrying out the
work that God has for each one that belongs to Him, realizing it is not ‘just a good work’ but a ‘work of ministry.’ That ministry should derive from the overflow of their love of the Lord. Using the word of God, we emphasized that every assignment God gives is important to His plan and purposes, no matter the size or scope of the task. Then, a few women shared testimonies of how the Lord had used particular ministries and the Christian women using their spiritual gifts in those ministries to soften their hearts to the things of God. I am confident and continue to pray that this labor will bring forth fruit for His glory.
Then, again, I ask you to pray for me. I will be the Bible teacher at a ladies’ retreat, the first week of November,. We will have five sessions that weekend teaching from Habakkuk. This book of the Bible is what I am presently teaching on Sundays in the women’s class in my home church. I have been gaining so much from studying this book again that I desire to share it with others as we look at: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS!
Finally, we are in the finishing phase of the book. The last hurdle after completing the page design will be the design for the cover. I am hoping this work on evangelism will be released by the holidays, but I leave that timing to the Lord. Please be specifically praying toward this launch. The truths Ed taught in this study are very needed in our families, churches, and our nation.
Thank you, precious friends, for your continuing love, concern, and gracious support for this ministry and me. I desire to finish well in God’s assignment for me, persevering to the end. I trust that this is the desire of your heart. We should not allow the trials, sufferings, or disappointments from the actions of others not finishing their course to hinder what the Lord has for you and me. Again, I am so grateful you are standing alongside me in this God assignment. It is an incredible joy to know the Lord carries out His work and allows us to co-partner with Him. May we press forward together in this so great a salvation.
Your Servant For Jesus sake,
Diane Lacy
Ed Lacy Ministries INC.