Now Available!
Evangelism should be the very heartbeat of every born-again Christian, flowing from their love of Jesus Christ. In this book, Ed Lacy reminds us of the transformative power found within the gospel message—the message that is Christ-centered from beginning to end. The gospel stands as a beacon of light, illuminating the path to salvation. God has chosen the plan of salvation and the way to proclaim the good news.
Lacy beckons you to place your confidence in the surpassing power of the gospel that cannot be found in a formula or man’s philosophy but rather in the person and work of Jesus Christ alone. He invites us to behold the majestic plan of God the Father that sent His Son to be the Savior and Lord, who, in His perfect life, sinless death, and glorious resurrection, accomplished what no other could: the salvation of sinners.
Throughout these pages, each chapter builds upon one another, taking you from the foundation of God’s work to its climax, where all will stand before the Living God at the Bema Seat or the Great White Throne Judgment. You will encounter stories of lives transformed by the power of the gospel—stories of broken lives redeemed, purpose restored, and lives filled with unspeakable joy and contentment.
Moreover, he emphasizes the essence of true evangelism lies not in persuasive techniques or eloquent speech but in pointing people to Jesus Christ, who alone can resurrect those spiritually dead in trespasses and sins and give them life eternal. Using the Word of God, he reveals the fruit of a life that has been changed by the power of the gospel.
Journeying through these chapters, may you be inspired to share the gospel boldly and compassionately, striving to carry out God’s work, God’s ways, for God’s glory.
In The Surpassing Power of the Gospel: Christ-Centered Evangelism, Ed’s passion and teachings lives on. Complied by his beloved wife of 44 years, Dianne, who worked alongside him in ministry, has conformed Ed’s sermons, notes and teachings into a powerful study on evangelism. Dianne, a women’s bible teacher and conference speaker herself, honors Ed’s legacy by bringing his unfinished work to completion. This work ensures that the mission of inspiring, equipping, and calling on believers to share the gospel with a lost and dying world presses onward for the glory of God!
About Ed
Ed Lacy spent his teen and early adult years engulfed in the “Rock-jazz music’ scene! He was a professional drummer and vocalist who toured the eastern United States with many groups in the 70s.
Ed Lacy’s testimony is one that exhibited the transformative power of God. Ed spent his teen and early adult years engulfed in the “Rock-jazz music’ scene! He was a professional drummer and vocalist who toured the eastern United States with many groups in the 70s. His life took a miraculous turn one night in New Orleans in 1980. Upon hearing the Word of God on a tape-delayed television program, his eyes were opened to the glorious gospel. That night the Lord Jesus brought him to repentance and saving faith. From that moment, his heart beat with a new purpose and a new song was on his lips with an unwavering commitment to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others. Following his call into the ministry in 1982,
Later, Ed was called into a full-time evangelistic ministry. The words of 1 Timothy 1:12-15 now guided his life. Ed never forgot he was a sinner saved by grace, a former blasphemer, persecutor, and an insolent man, who had received God’s mercy. As a new creation in Christ, he was passionate about his call to share the good news of the gospel worldwide. Ed devoted himself to teaching, preaching, and witnessing to others, using every opportunity for others to come to know the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Since that time, he has preached the Word of God in over 700 churches and city-wide crusades across the United States; as well as 160 foreign mission crusades. He preached extensively in communist Cuba; ministering in 38 trips throughout 15 years. Ed authored several Bible study curriculums that equipped and trained pastors, church planters, and congregations worldwide, impacting countless lives with Christ-centered messages. His workbook series on evangelism, discipleship, prayer and the beatitudes were taught by him in a “5-day” format in many evangelical churches.
Ed would succumb to the physical problems from the Covid-19 virus. He entered into his heavenly abode in February of 2022. Thankfully, he left a treasure trove of sermons, notes, and workbooks from his bible study materials.
About Dianne
Dianne was brought up in a typical blue collar family. Her family was actively involved in church throughout her childhood. Making a profession of faith as a young child, Dianne considered herself to be a Christian. But the teenage years, along with the trials and temptations of life, manifested that she was trying to live a life she did not possess. Like so many others, she had a false profession of faith. For years, Dianne had a form of godliness, but her life denied the power of God. This only made her heart grow more rebellious and hard-hearted, as she followed after the things of this world and the pleasures of life.
But God, in His mercy, brought her to the end of herself. While in her midtwenties, God used a health crisis, among many other things, to bring Dianne to the personal realization that she must one day give an account of her life to her Creator. For the first time, she begin to see that her childhood profession of faith was not sufficient to stand before a Holy God. Dianne had to acknowledge that she had only wanted to tack Jesus onto her life, but she had never desired that Jesus be the Lord of her life. By the gracious work of the Holy Spirit, she came to see that, not only was she a spiritually, bankrupt sinner, but that her sin was against a Holy God. After realizing her great need to be forgiven, she repented of going her own way and was gloriously converted to Christ. Now, Dianne does not just have a profession of faith, she has a possession of a “lifetransforming” faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! The Lord has truly made her a new creation, giving her a new heart that has a new passion and purpose to live for the glory of God. When Dianne was converted to Christ, not only did the Lord change her life, but the entire direction of the lives of her family.
Dianne has been a Bible study teacher for over 25 years. She has had the privilege of teaching many ladies’ Bible classes, and women’s discipleship courses. She has also been the guest speaker at Bible Conferences and Women Retreats, across the Southern U.S. Her desire is to disciple and edify women in their personal walk with the Lord. Her passion is that all women would come to this same saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as Lord, and enjoy a life of growing in Christlikeness.
Dianne is the widow of Evangelist Ed Lacy, who had a world-wide ministry for over 25 years. She presently resides in Mobile, Alabama. Ed and Dianne have three children and seven grandchildren.