Just a couple of weeks ago, I was leaving the men’s class at my home church and headed to the sanctuary for the worship hour; when a couple desired to speak with me for a moment. The husband began to tell me saying, “Bro. Ed, the Lord used you to declare the Gospel to our grandson (Brandon), who is a young adult. You preached the Word of God to him; and you also witnessed to him one on one. Ed, we just wanted to let you know that Brandon has been gloriously converted to Christ Jesus! He has been delivered from drugs; and he is giving all of the fruits of genuine repentance and faith in the Lord! God has also supplied him with a good job. He is a new creation in Christ!” Friends, I am very well aware that I was only the “sower of the Seed” in the life of this young man! Only God could have obliterated the darkness of Brandon’s heart! Only God could give the light of the “saving knowledge of Jesus Christ” in the inner core of Brandon’s life. But I also thought about the precious truth, that almost 35 years ago, I was exactly like Brandon was. But God used my precious wife’s prayers, her transformed life and her witness to me, as a major means unto my conversion. And over 3 decades later, God once again gave me the same joy and privilege of planted His Gospel seed into a lost sinner’s heart; and being a witness of God’s amazing grace, in the conversion of another sinner!