Our Lord graced me with 3 wonderful opportunities to teach our latest workbook study, entitled “Christ-­‐ centered Discipleship -­‐ (Living A Life In Which The Gospel Is Your Driving Force)”! The three churches were Woodside Baptist Church in Ocala, FL; Friendship Baptist in Baton Rouge, LA; and most recently, Fellowship Baptist Church in Steinhatchee, FL. I am so grateful for the glorious work that the Holy Spirit accomplished in many lives, through this teaching! There were numerous testimonies of individuals who have personally declared that, “This week was especially for ME!” I want to share just one of the multiple testimonies, which came to me by e-­‐mail!

“Dear Bro. Ed, Thank you again for being faithful and sacrificing your life, to teach God’s Word to many churches in this country and others. By the power of His Word, through your teaching of the Christ Centered Discipleship course, the Holy Spirit convicted me in several areas. He taught me that repentance is not a one-­‐time act; but it may take several days or weeks for Him to help me to change my heart, my attitude, my thinking, and my behavior in a particular area.

In Session One, I was convicted that I do not keep the ‘sacrifice of Jesus Christ’ in the forefront of my mind each day; and I do not have the mind of Jesus, that we are called to exhibit in Philippians 2. The Lord is helping me to have this mind, so that I can stay humble and make myself of NO reputation, just as our Lord and Savior Jesus faithfully did! In Session Two, the Word of God convicted me that RIGHTEOUSNESS is to be the ultimate prize of a disciple; and that I do not love His righteousness enough!! His righteousness is so beautiful, compared to my sinful desires. He is helping me to love His righteousness, and to love those beautiful holy virtues of honesty, integrity, trustworthiness, and faithfulness; rather than the ugliness of sinful lust!!

In Session Five, The Holy Spirit once again convicted me. I find that when I am tired, weak, or frustrated, I don’t mind doing the Lord’s work, because I love Him so much. But I could not say the same about my wife. Oh, I love my wife dearly and will do anything for her. But when I found myself being tired, weak or frustrated, I had not been sacrificially loving her like I should. The Holy Spirit is helping me to kill my selfishness, no matter what mood I find myself in; and to sacrificially serve my wife!! Praise God, He loves us so much that He teaches us, and He will not let us stay the same! It is HIS will to transform us into a holy and righteous servant of our Lord!! I praise my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for saving me 15 years ago and teaching me to go to HIM as Savior; come under HIM as Lord; and follow HIM as my Teacher!! I am saying afresh and anew, that the Gospel has to be our driving force; for living a life that will glorify Him!! Thank you again for preaching the Word of God with His power!!

 Since we are talking about this study, I want to share a testimony that I have just received from a pastor in Kenya. He shared, “Christ Centered Discipleship was great! My life was changed. I was personally touched by your deep insight and scriptural expositions on the need to spend quality time; and priority time, each day with the Lord! Other areas of discipleship, such as ‘the disciple’s use of the tongue’ and ‘pursuing practical holiness’ touched the lives of many. Did you notice that the hall would go silent as you expounded on pertinent areas of Christian living? Our ministry brought 60 participants to the conference. In our weekly training sessions, we do not miss to reflect on the aspects of discipleship that you highlighted. We endeavor to live a life as you clearly put, "in which the gospel is the driving force". That, in a way, has become our vision statement! Let me know your itinerary and how we can pray for you, as you travel around the world, holding out these and other fundamental truths. As the church in Kenya, you are so dear to us. You are God's gift to us! Your brother, John Machuka